Online Yoga

10 Day Online Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Manthra & Yoga Nidra Retreat


Welcome to our 10-day online journey of self-discovery and inner peace through the transformative practices of yoga,meditation,pranayama,and yoga nidra. In todays fast-paced world,its easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected to provide you with the tools and guidance to reconnect with your body,mind,and spirit,allowing you to cultivate a sense of balance and harmony in your life.

Each day,we will explore different aspects of yoga and meditation,gradually building upon the previous days teachings to deepen your practice and understanding .from gentle asana sequences to breathwork techniques,from mindfulness meditation to the blissful state of yoga nidra,you will embark on a holistic journey of self-exploration and transformation.

Whether you are a seasoned yogi or completely new to these practices,this program is suitable for practitioners of all levels.All you need is an open mind and willingness to explore and discover new dimensions of yourself. So,carve out some sacred time for yourself each day,find a quiet space where you can immerse yourself fully in the practice,and lets begin this transformative journey together.Get ready to cultivate inner peace,restore balance,and awaken your true potential.Namaste.


Asana refers to the physical postures practiced in yoga.These postures are designed to promote strength,flexibility,balance ,and alignment in the body.

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Beginner,Intermediate,and Advanced:
  • Standing Poses
  • Seated Poses
  • Prone Poses
  • Supine Poses
  • Inversion Poses
  • Balancing Poses
  • Forward Bends
  • Back bends
  • Twists
  • Core Strengthening Poses


Pranayama consists of breathing techniques used in yoga to control and regulate the breath.prana means life force or vital energy,and ayama means control or expansion.Through pranayama,practitioners learn to deepen and lengthen their breath,which can have a profound effect on physical,mental,and emotional well-being.

  • Digra Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Nadi Shodhana pranayama
  • Kapalabhati pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Sitali Pranayama
  • Brahmari Pranayama
  • Sitkari pranayama


A mantra is a sacred word,phrase,or sound repeated silently or aloud during meditation.Mantra meditation involves focusing on the repetition of the mantra to quiet the mind and cultivate inner peace and awareness.common mantras include Öm, so Hum [I am that ]and ‘Sat Nam[Truth is my identity]

  • Santhi Manthra
  • Upanishad Manthra
  • Maha Mrityunjaya Manthra
  • Gayathri Manthra
  • Guru Stotram
  • Patanjali Yoga Manthra
  • Nirvanastakam


Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts .it can take many forms,including mindfulness meditation,loving -kindness meditation,and mantra meditation.Meditation cultivates awareness,clarity,and emotional well-being ,and can be practiced sitting,walking,or even lying down.

  • Focused Attention Meditation
  • Open Monitoring Meditation
  • Loving -kindness Meditation
  • Movement Meditation
  • Guided Meditation
  • Body Scan Meditation
  • Breath Awareness Meditation


The practice of mudra is an ancient facet of yoga. Performing gestures effects the energy flow of the body and can change a person's spiritual and mental characteristics.

  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Yoni mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Shambhavi mudra
Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra,also known as yogic sleep,is a guided relaxation practice that induces deep relaxation and promotes healing and rejuvenation.During Yoga Nidra,participants are guided through a series of relaxation techniques,including body scans,breath awareness,and visualization,while in a state of deep relaxation.It is said to be as restorative as several hours of sleep

What makes this program on of a kind

By incorporating these elements ,your program can offer a unique and transformative experience for participants looking to deepen their yoga,pranayama,and meditation practice over the course of 10 days

Day 1:Introduction to Yoga Overview of yoga philosophy and its benefits Basic yoga postures [asanas]for beginners Introduction to pranayama[breathing exercises]
Day 2-4: Yoga Asanas Detailed practice of foundational yoga asanas Focus on alignment,breath,and mindfulness in each posture Progressively building strength,flexibility,and balance
Day 5: Pranayama Practice Deep dive into various pranayama techniques Learning proper breathing patterns and rhythms Understanding the benefits of breath Control on physical and mental well-being
Day 6-8: Meditation Introduction to different meditation techniques [mindfulness,loving-kindness,guided meditation] Practice sessions focusing on concentration,relaxation,and inner awareness Exploring the role of meditation in stress reduction and mental clarity
Day 9-10 : Yoga Nidra Understanding the concept and benefits of Yoga Nidra[yogic sleep] Guided Yoga Nidra sessions for deep relaxation and rejuvenation Integration of Yoga Nidra into daily routine for better sleep and stress management.

Throughout the program ,there should also be time allocated for Q&A sessions ,discussions on yoga philosophy ,and practical tips for incorporating yoga

practices into everyday life.Additionally,participants may be encouraged to maintain a journal to track their progress and experiences throughout 10 days.


  • 10 live sessions
  • 90 minutes per live session
  • Live online sessions will be held over zoom,Google Meet,or Google Hangouts

Skill level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Yoga Styles

  • Hatha
  • Karma
  • Bhakti
  • Jnana
  • 10 days with instruction in English
  • The organizer also speaks:Hindi
  • Group size:Maximum of 10 participants
PRICE- 96 USD - 10 Day 1 Person

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